Relationship Types of Food with Nausea and Regurgitation Symptomps

Roni Yunarto, Siti Annisa Devi Trusda, Ratna Dewi Indi


Dyspepsia syndrome is a group of symptoms consisting of pain or discomfort in the epigastrium, nausea, bloating, full satiety, full stomach, regurgitation and a burning sensation that radiates in the chest. Indonesia has 15th prevalence of dyspepsia syndrome out of 50 diseases that accompany inpatients. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relationship between the types of food consumed at breakfast with dyspepsia syndrome which is nausea and regurgitaion symptoms. This research was observational-analytic to find the relation of type of food consumed at breakfast with dyspepsia syndrome in student of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung Academic Year 2016-2017,and 52 students has been chosen by simple random sampling. The results of this study indicate nausea and regurgitation have a relationship with carbohydrate (P <0.05) but had no relationship with dietary fat (P> 0.05). Because high carbohydrate foods are easily consumed by the students as an instant breakfast menu. The conclusion of this study shows a relationship between the types of food with symptoms of dyspepsia syndrome (P 0.00).


Dyspepsia syndrome, Nausea, Regurgitation, Types of food


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