Karakteristik Pasien Kanker Kolorektal di Bagian Patologi Anatomi Rumah Sakit Al-Islam Bandung Januari 2012-Desember 2017

Mutiara Rahma Dianty, Ismet Muchtar Nur, Widayanti Widayanti


Abstract. Colorectal cancer ranks third in cancer disease in the world and the fourth cause of death due to cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the number of colorectal cancer patients and the characteristics of colorectal cancer based on gender, age, histopathological features and location. This study uses descriptive method using total population sampling. Data obtained in the form of secondary data from medical records in the Anatomy Pathology section of the Al-Islam Bandung Hospital in the period January 2012 to December 2017. 61 medical records were obtained that met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the most colorectal cancer occurred in 2014 as many as 21 cases (34%) were more common in women, as many as 35 cases (57%), the most common age group was at the age of 51-60 years as many as 20 cases (32.79% ), the highest histopathological picture was mucinous adenocarcinoma as many as 51 cases (83.61%) with well differentiated differentiation degrees as many as 39 cases (63.93%), the most common predilection sites in the rectum were 37 cases (60.66%). The conclusions of the study showed that the highest colorectal cancer incidence in 2014, the sex of female patients was greater, the highest age was 51-60 years, most colorectal cancer patients had mucinous adenocarcinoma histology with well differentiated differentiation and rectum was the most common location

Keywords: Colorectal Cancer,  Histopatology , Rectum.

Abstrak. Kanker kolorektal menempati urutan ketiga penyakit kanker di dunia dan penyebab kematian keempat akibat penyakit kanker. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jumlah pasien kanker kolorektal dan karakteristik kanker kolorektal berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia, gambaran histopatologi dan lokasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan total population sampling. Data yang didapat berupa data sekunder dari rekam medis  di Bagian Patologi Anatomi Rumah Sakit Al-Islam Bandung periode Januari 2012 hingga Desember 2017. Didapatkan 61 rekam medis yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kejadian kanker kolorektal terbanyak terjadi pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 21 kasus (34%) lebih banyak terjadi pada wanita yaitu sebanyak 35 kasus (57%), kelompok usia tersering yaitu pada usia 51-60 tahun sebanyak 20 kasus  (32,79%), gambaran histopatologi terbanyak yaitu mucinous adenocarcinoma sebanyak 51 kasus (83,61%) dengan derajat diferensiasi well differentiated  sebanyak 39 kasus (63,93%), lokasi predileksi tersering terjadi pada rektum sebanyak 37 kasus (60,66%). Simpulan  penelitian menunjukkan kejadian kanker kolorektal tertinggi pada tahun 2014, jenis kelamin pasien wanita lebih banyak, usia terbanyak pada rentang usia 51-60 tahun, sebagian besar pasien kanker kolorektal memiliki gambaran histopatologi mucinous adenocarcinoma dengan derajat diferensiasi well differentiated dan rektum merupakan lokasi predileksi tersering.

Kata Kunci: Histopatologi, Kanker Kolorektal, Rektum


Histopatologi, Kanker Kolorektal, Rektum

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/kedokteran.v0i0.12568

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