Konsumsi Makanan Berserat Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Hemoroid

Jily Andini Raena, Krishna Pradananta, Samsudin Surialaga


Abstract. Hemorrhoids is dilated superior and inferior hemorrhoidal veins. Some literature states that hemorrhoids are influenced by age, genetics, pregnancy, constipation, chronic diarrhea, sex peranal, ascites, and lack of consumption of fiber foods. Along with the development of the era of eating patterns, fiber consumption is decreasing. The prevalence of lack of eating fruits and vegetables in Indonesia is still high at 93.5%. If this habit is carried out continuously, it is possible to cause an increase in the incidence of hemorrhoids. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between consumption of fiber foods and the incidence of hemorrhoids. This research was an analytic observational study with a case control method approach. Respondents who came to RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung in the period March to May 2018 were asked to fill out a questionnaire. There were 82 respondents following this study who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the 82 people, 45 people received hemorrhoids and 37 without hemorrhoids. Of the 45 hemorrhoid respondents, 30 people (66.67%) had less fiber food consumption habits and 15 people (33.33%) with sufficient fiber consumption. Of the 37 respondents without hemorrhoids, 9 people (24.32%) had less fiber food consumption habits and 28 people (75.68%) with enough fiber food consumption. The results of the Chi-square test analysis showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between consumption of fiber foods and the incidence of hemorrhoids (p <0.001). Calculation of risk estimate shows that the consumption of fiber foods lacks a 6,22 times greater risk of the occurrence of hemorrhoids (OR = 6,22). The conclusion of this study there were a significant relationship between consumption of fiber foods and the incidence of hemorrhoids. This shows that consumption of sufficient fiber foods can reduce the risk of hemorrhoidal events.

Key words: consumption of fiber food, hemorrhoids.


Abstrak. Hemoroid adalah dilatasi vena hemoroid superior dan inferior. Beberapa literatur menyatakan bahwa hemoroid dipengaruhi oleh usia, genetik, kehamilan, konstipasi, diare kronik, hubungan seks peranal, asites, dan kurangnya konsumsi makanan berserat. Seiring perkembangan zaman pola makan konsumsi serat semakin berkurang. Prevalensi kurang makan buah dan sayur di Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu 93,5%. Apabila kebiasaan ini dilakukan terus menerus ada kemungkinan untuk menyebabkan peningkatan kejadian hemoroid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai hubungan antara konsumsi makanan berserat terhadap kejadian hemoroid. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan metode kasus kontrol. Responden yang datang ke RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung pada periode Maret hingga Mei 2018 telah diminta mengisi kuesioner. Terdapat 82 responden mengikuti penelitian ini yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Dari 82 orang didapatkan sampel dengan hemoroid sebanyak 45 orang dan sampel tanpa hemoroid sebanyak 37 orang. Dari 45 responden hemoroid, 30 orang (66,67%) memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi makanan berserat kurang dan 15 orang (33,33%) dengan konsumsi makanan berserat cukup. Dari 37 responden tanpa hemoroid, 9 orang (24,32%) memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi makanan berserat kurang dan 28 orang (75,68%) dengan konsumsi makanan berserat cukup. Hasil analisis uji Chi-square didapatkan secara statistik terdapat hubungan antara konsumsi makanan berserat terhadap kejadian hemoroid (p<0,001). Perhitungan risk estimate menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi makanan berserat kurang memiliki risiko 6,22 kali lebih besar terhadap kejadian hemoroid (OR=6,22). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara konsumsi makanan berserat terhadap kejadian hemoroid. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi makanan berserat yang cukup dapat menurunkan risiko kejadian hemoroid.

Kata kunci : konsumsi makanan berserat, hemoroid.


konsumsi makanan berserat, hemoroid

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/kedokteran.v0i0.12152

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