The Effect of Role Stress and Job Satisfaction on The Quality of Government Internal Audit Recommendations (A survey of West Java Province Inspectorate)

Tasya Mandayanti, Pupung Purnamasari, Hendra Gunawan


This research is conducted in the Province of West Java Inspectorate. This study aims to analyze the effect of Role Stress and Job Satisfaction on the Quality of Government Internal Audit Recommendations. This research is conducted by using primary data, while the sampling is done by using the calculation of slovin formula. So, the samples obtained on this research are 50 respondents. Data collection methods used is questionnaire. The analytical test equipment used is multiple regressions with SPSS 21.0 software for windows. The analysis results and the calculation performed in this study show that there is simultaneously a positive significant effect between role stress and job satisfaction with the quality of audit recommendations. While partially, the pressure of the role stress provides significant positive effect on the quality of audit recommendation, and the job satisfaction positively gives effect to the quality of audit recommendations.


Role stress, Job Satifaction, and the Quality of Internal Audit Recommendations


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