Hubungan Media Sosial Instagram The Jakarta Post dengan Minat Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Auranti Galuh Pratiwi, Yadi Supriadi


Abstract. Instagram is often a reference for someone to learn about new things, especially learning an international language, English. This developed seeing the weaknesses of learning English from paid music and films and in the past when learning it was identical to carrying a textbook or dictionary that was so thick that it seemed not interactive with the reader. Bearing this in mind, this research aims to find the correlation of social media Instagram The Jakarta Post with interest in learning English. The method used is correlational research with a quantitative approach, a population of 51 peoples from TBI (The British Institute) Bandung students, and using a non-probability sampling. The results obtained, first: the value of variable X is included in the agree category, second: the value of variable Y is included in agree category, third: from the calculation results using analysis simple regression obtained a positive correlation value, fourth: the variable X contributes to the variable Y in TBI (The British Institute) Bandung by 6.4%, while 93.6% is explained by the variable others outside the model. For this reason, Instagram The Jakarta Post can be a medium for learning English that is suitable for use in today's technology era, apart from providing information using English, anyone can learn for free, anytime and anywhere.

Keywords: Social Media, Instagram, Interest in Learning English, English language


Media Sosial, Instagram, Minat Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Inggris

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