Analisis Kinerja Crushing Plant “A†di PD Alam Jaya, Kecamatan Baleendah, Kabupaten Bandung Provinsi Jawa Barat

Muhammad Ridwan, Solihin Solihin, Pramusanto Pramusanto


Abstract. The andesite processing unit consist of several equipment including hopper, primary crushing, secondary crushing, screening and belt conveyor. Each equipment in a processing unit has continuity with each other equipment. Initial stages of the process of andesite is crushing and then the process of separation of size. PD Alam Jaya has one crushing plant with  production capacity for jaw crusher with 200 tons per hour and production capacity for cone crusher with 150 ton per hour. PD Alam Jaya produces split 1, split 2, split 3 and stone ash. During the production process there are some constraints that become obstacles and that will affect the production, consequently production targets are not achieved. Based on research  the production capacity  for jaw crusher is 146,63 ton per hour with 71,72% appliance efficiency and production capacity for cone cruher is 137,32 ton per hour with 78,33% appliance efficiency. In the primary crushing stage, Mechanical Avability (MA) = 85,66%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 87,99%, Use of Avability (UA) = 81,51%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 71,72% %. In the secondary crushing stage, Mechanical Avability (MA) = 87,88%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 89,19%, Use of Avability (UA) = 87,82%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 78,33%.

Keywords:. Crushing Plant, Obstacles, Production Target , Production Capacity

Abstrak. Pada unit pengolahan batuan andesit terdiri dari beberapa alat diantarannya tempat penampungan (hopper), alat peremuk tahap pertama (primary crushing), alat peremuk tahap kedua (secondary crushing), alat sizing (screening), serta belt conveyor. Tiap alat pada suatu unit pengolahan memiliki kesinambungan dengan tiap alat lainnya. Tahapan awal dari proses pengolahan batuan andesit yakni  proses penghancuran batuan (crushing) kemudian dilakukan proses pemisahan ukuran (sizing). PD Alam Jaya mempunyai unit crushing plant dengan kapasitas produksi jaw crusher sebesar 200 ton/jam dan secondary crusher sebesar 150 ton/jam, penilitian difokuskan pada unit crushing plant A. PD Alam Jaya menghasilkan produk akhir split 1, split 2, dan abu batu. Selama proses produksi berlangsung terdapat kendal-kendala yang menjadi hambatan dan mempengaruhi target produksi pada crushing plant tersebut, Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan didapatkan kapasitas  produksi untuk alat jaw crusher  sebesar 146,63 ton/jam dengan efisiensi kerja alat sebesar 71,72% dan untuk alat cone crusher sebesar 137,32 ton/jam dengan efisiensi kerja alat sebesar 78,33%. Pada tahap primary crushing diperoleh hasil Mechanical Avability (MA) = 85,66%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 87,99%, Use of Avability (UA) = 81,51%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 71,72%. Pada tahap secondary crushing diperoleh hasil Mechanical Avability (MA) = 87,88%, Phyisical Avability (PA) = 89,19%, Use of Avability (UA) = 87,82%, Effective of Utilization (EU) = 78,33%.

Kata Kunci: Pengolahan Bahan Galian, Hambatan, Target Produksi, Kapasitas Produksi.


Pengolahan Bahan Galian, Hambatan, Target Produksi, Kapasitas Produksi.

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