Hubungan Website Sebagai Media Promosi dengan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen

Fildza Penni Yuliani, Rini Rinawati


Fildza Penny Yuliani, 2012 Field of studies in Communication Management at Bandung Islamic Univesity with title research correlation was between the Website as a Media Campaign with Consumer Purchase Decisions in Electoral Services Tour to Dufan. Sales promotion is an important factor in marketing a service or product. The promotional activities can be done in various ways, to facilitate a sale of services / products required media as an intermediary for the delivery of information. Media used herein is the use of media websites. This research to explore the relationship between a website with consumer purchasing decisions. With the focus of information clarity, completeness of information and attraction information. This study uses the correlation method, the population in this study is that consumers who have taken the tour to Dufan using Nuartha travel, samples taken there were 48 respondents who had used the tour & travel PT Nuartha to Dufan during the period July to December 2016. Technique of data collection research conducted through a questionnaire. The results of the discussion in this study is the correlation was between the Website as a Media Campaign with Consumer Purchase Decisions in Electoral Services Tour to Dufan.


Promotion, Information, and Purchase Decisions


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