Relation Of Attraction Of Message Content Website “Turn Back Hoax†with Motivation To Get Factual News

Intan Nurani, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges


Information is needed by the society today. Information has become a human need. When people search for information they search through a person, newspaper, magazine, library), or computer-based (for example, the World Wide Web or the internet). But at this time many scattered information lie or hoax. This research wanted to know the relation of attraction of website message content "Turn Back Hoax" with motivation to get factual news member Forum Anti Fitnah Hasut and Hoax (FAFHH) on Facebook.The purpose of this study is to know whether there is any relation of the attractiveness of website content "Turn Back Hoax" which includes rational, emotional and moral appeal with motivation to get factual news. The theory used in this research is information seeking theory (Information seeking theory). In this research, writer use correlation method. Correlational research aims to examine the extent to which variations in one factor related to variation in other factors. The data of this research is obtained through questionnaire. Population in this research is member of Forum Anti Fitnah Hasut and Hoax (FAFHH) who actively liked post and give comments on Facebook as much as 259 people and selected 85 respondents who used as sample in this research.The results of this study is a significant relationship between the attractiveness of the contents of website messages "Turn Back Hoax" with the motivation to get factual news, its correlation coefficient is 0.789.


Attractiveness Message Content, Motivation, Information.


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