Brand Indosat IM3 Ooredoo in Bobotoh’s Perspective

Aggi Januar Fauzi, M. Rochim


Research entitled “Brand Indosat IM3 Ooredoo in Bobotoh’s Perspective†to knows how exactly this brand, especially brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty in bobotoh’s perspective after the brand do a sponsorship activity with Persib Bandung as a football club from Indonesia. By making Persib Bandung as one of a partner, lot of factor Indosat IM3 Ooredoo to choose Persib Bandung as a partner. One of those is Persib Bandung is the biggest football club in Indonesia with a huge fanbase called Bobotoh who support their team solidly.  Indosat Ooredoo has a certain purpose to do with a sponsorship activity, one of the purpose is introduce their product to bobotoh as a supporter of Persib Bandung. In this sponsorship activity, has a really good impact on bobotoh’s perspective about their product, IM3. Especially brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty. This research using descriptive metod, with quantitative approachment. In collect research data, researcher do questionnaire survey, and literature study to get some information that relate to this research and to help credibility of the result.


Indosat IM3 Ooredoo, Brand Awereness, Brand Image, Brand loyalty, Persib Bandung, Sponsorship.


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