The climate of organization communication at 99ers Radio Bandung post acquisition

Rizki Rahayuningrum, Ike Junita Triwardhani


99ers Radio Bandung is acquired in November 2015, and experienced transformation of some employees and broadcasters. After that experience, the company has decreased financially. The major issue of post acquisition was a mass dismissal to minimize the cost of salary. This has never happened on other Radio that had acquired the management until it had to re-pioneer. The purpose of this research is to diagnose the climate of organization communication in 99ers Radio post acquisition. This research uses a case study with qualitative methods, because this phenomenon occurs within a certain time limit and emphasized on the process.The result of the research stated that there are 2 (two) perceptions about the change of organizational communication after acquisition. Internal perceptions suggest that in terms of communications the current leader is perceived to be more communicative than previous leaders, while external perceptions of current leaders are judged to be less understanding in the field of radio media and more reliant on employees. In terms of motivation, there are a number of talents that want to develop. In terms of salary, some employees consider the income is the biggest motivation to keep working. In terms of the responsibility, if employees are given rewards, their spirit of work will increase, but given rewards continuously in the form of bonuses, will bring bad impact for the company while punishment is not done by the company because it will affect the performance of employees at 99ers Radio. The small number of employees makes all employees have to work harder to get funds for the company. Regarding income expectations, employees expect no delay in wage sharing. On expectations of value or brand 99ers, they hope by working at 99ers makes them famous. They also hope to gain appreciation for the efforts they have achieved.


Climate Communications Organization, Post-Acquisition, 99ers Radio


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Rajagrafindo Persada

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