Marketing Communication In Philately Selling at PT. POS INDONESIA

Gancar Luthfan Tariz, Satya Indra Karsa


Philatelic objects are a historic object. Philately objects have also been abandoned by society in Indonesia today. However, there are still some people in Indonesia who like philatelic objects and then made a collection of philatelists. Philatelists are the ones who collect philatelic objects. Stamps, First Day Cover, Souvenir Sheet, Maximum Card, Carik Kenangan and other postal items are philatelic objects sold in PT. Pos Indonesia today. This seminar paper examines how marketing communications conducted by PT. Pos Indonesia in the sale of philatelic objects. This research uses qualitative research techniques with case study approach. Steps of data collection using Interviews, Observations, and Library Studies. The results of this study showed that marketing communications conducted by PT. Pos Indonesia is done in various ways. Determination of product, price, place and promotion is the first step of PT. Pos Indonesia to market Philatelic objects. Then the next step determines the Segmentation, Target, Positioning market to do marketing. The decrease in the hobby of reading and writing letters is an obstacle that is happening today especially in the younger generation. Thus, PT. Pos Indonesia and the Society of Philatelic Indonesia are seeking to socialize philatelic objects to schools in Indonesia so that the younger generation now understand the benefits of collecting philatelic objects.


Philatelic Objects, Marketing Communications, PT. Pos Indonesia, Case Study.


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