The Communication Strategy Love Donation 2017 Campaign by Young On Top Campus Ambassador

Annisa Alifia Ulfah, Aning Sofyan


The thalassemia patient especially in Indonesia increasing every year. A lack of socialization and lack of people who know thalasemia disease even most of patient need our help. One of several thalassemia campaigns that concerns the author is a campaign from Young On Top Campus Ambassador (YOT CA) which named Love Donation 2017, the researcher raised the issue with the tittle is The Communication Strategy Love Donation 2017 campaign by Young On Top Campus Ambassador. The purpose of this research is to see how the communications strategy on thalassemia campaign by YOT CA. To discuss it, the author used qualitative research with the case study. The subject of this research are Syifa Mutiara as the chairman, Maria Elvani as program director and Desi Lestari as publication coordinator and documentation coordinator.From this research, the author get the result that the packaging of program campaign is consists of the online and ofline accordance with the target campaign. Media elections that be done by YOT CA include social media which are instagram, twitter, facebook, youtube filled with interisting content such as make twibbon and make theme Love donation song. The reasons for adopting social media influencer because they have credibility and value as communicator campaign who send the message to the target easily.


Thalassemia, Strategy, campaign, communication strategy campaign


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