Persuasive Communication "SPG" Aidda Technique using the Offering to Prospective Buyers

Ady Hadyansah, Satya Indra Karsa


Communication persuasion is a psychological activities in the course of resort to influence people in opinions, attitudes, and behavior. Purpose from every way to persuade is the same, which is to entice to be followed by people. In term of every person who is do persuade to persuadees. Promoting activities usually involve a skills of every person, just like activity of promotion with “Sales Promotion Girl†(SPG). In regards, SPG as intermediary of marketing in some product handphone Vivo, form benchmark of company to find out if they marketed their products that can be offered to either to consumers. This study aims to determine the attention, interest, desire, decision, and action is given prospective buyers to the products offered by SPG Vivo. The method used in this research is descriptive method.  The results of this study indicate persuasive communication performed by SPG Vivo which is good enough although not all respondents or prospective buyers took the decision to buy the products offered. However persuasive communication that has been done by the SPG has been able to attract the attention, interest and desire are pretty good from prospective buyers and decisions and actions as taken different differently.


Science Communication, Persuasive Communication, Mechanical AIDDA


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