The Marketing Communications of Prepaid Electricity by the PLN Bandung

Dodi John Sampouw, Dede Lilis Ch


As one of the major state enterprises in Indonesia, which is engaged in the provision of electricity to the public, PLN must want to establish a good reputation in the eyes of its customers. Prepaid electricity program has not run optimally. It is important to note because PLN has deployed resources to develop products and communicates the products to the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the publications' websites prepaid electricity conducted PLN Bandung, in TV ads prepaid electricity, prepaid electricity exhibition marketing, and personal selling prepaid electricity. This research method is descriptive with quantitative approach. The data collection includes facts on the ground. Data analysis was performed until all the data is obtained. Furthermore, the data described without test hypotheses. The results showed that the website PLN Bandung dominated by black and white. The information contained includes homepage, product, customer, unit information, and profiles. Visitors to the website totaled 375. TV Ads consists of duration 1 hour talk show on a local station and running text. The exhibition includes new installation services, added power, and consumer gathering. Personal selling includes marketing around every six months.


Marketing Communications, Prepaid Electricity, PLN Bandung


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Website PT PLN (Persero) – (diakses pada 24 Oktober 2014)


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