Hubungan Antara Perceived Value dengan Customers Satisfaction Hotel Lingga

Mochamad Dida Pratama, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges


Abstract. Halal tourism industry is already a trend of future tourism, this industry continues to evolve and is developed by the perpetrators. In many countries, halal tourism industry into a major business concern both State institutions as well as private parties. Tourism activities requires supporting adequate accommodation to meet the needs of tourists, one of the most important forms of accommodation within the tourism industry in particular halal tourism is the hotel. One of the hotels with the concept of islam is Lingga Hotel, the hotel provides a very different experience new and unique to the guest, i.e. by providing the service and atmosphere was very thick with Islamic overtones.These studies use quantitative methods with the correlational study which aims at knowing the how far the relationship between the enjoyment value, convenience, value, service, perceived value, price, and aesthetic value as aspects of perceived value, with customers satisfaction as a bound variable, this research uses theories of The Expectancy Disconfirmation of Richard Oliver. From the research that uses techniques of withdrawal sample stratified random sampling found that there is a conclusion, significant and very strong relationships between Perceived Value with Customers Satisfaction Lingga Hotel.

Keywords : Halal tourism, Hotel, Perceived Value, Customers Satisfaction

Abstrak. Industri pariwisata halal ini sudah menjadi tren pariwisata masa depan, industri ini terus berkembang dan dikembangkan oleh para pelakunya. Di banyak negara, industri pariwisata halal menjadi perhatian utama para pelaku bisnis baik institusi negara maupun pihak swasta. Kegiatan pariwisata memerlukan penunjang akomodasi yang memadai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan, salah satu bentuk akomodasi yang paling penting dalam industri pariwisata khususnya pariwisisata halal ialah hotel. Salah satu hotel dengan konsep islami ialah Hotel Lingga yang menawarkan pengalaman baru yang sangat berbeda dan unik kepada para tamunya, yaitu dengan memberikan suasana dan pelayanan yang sangat kental dengan nuansa Islami. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional yang bertujuan mengetahui sejauhmana hubungan antara enjoyment value, convenience value, service value, perceived price, dan aesthetic value sebagai aspek dalam perceived value, dengan customers satisfaction sebagai variabel terikat, penelitian ini menggunakan teori The Expectancy Disconfirmation  dari Richard Oliver. Dari penelitian yang menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel stratified random sampling ini ditemukan kesimpulan, bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan sangat kuat antara Perceived Value dengan Customers Satisfaction Hotel Lingga.

Kata Kunci: Pariwisata Halal, Hotel, Perceived Value, Customers Satisfaction


Pariwisata Halal, Hotel, Perceived Value, Customers Satisfaction, Halal tourism,

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