Accountability for Criminal Acts of Terrorism Committed by Children is Associated with Act No. 3 of The Year 1997 Concerning Juvenile Court J. O Law Number 15 Year 2003 Concerning The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism

Gestantio Ardhi, Nandang Sambas


The crime of terrorism is an extraordinary crime, there's many international countries are discussing how to tackle the crime of terrorism. Besides killing many lives, this crime gives so many impact in economy, social and politics of the country. In this modern era, the suspect of terrorism crimes are not only committed by adults, but has been recruiting children to be suspect of terrorism acts. Realizing that in the Book of the CRIMINAL LAW (KUHP) are not clearly set about the crime of terrorism, so the government made Government Regulation as replacement of  (Perpu) Number 1 of 2002 which now becomes Law Number 15 Year 2003 on the Eradication of Criminal Acts Terrorism which is the base of criminal law of Terrorism Crime. The authors of the research made in the shape of this thesis aims to find out the answer to petanggung criminal terrorism committed by children based on Act No. 3 of the year 1997 which this legislation only governs the law of formyl alone, while for his criminal act does not differentiate between adults and children. This research is both a descriptive analysis that aims at describing and menjelasakan appropriately regarding issues of liability a criminal act of terrorism. Then the methods authors use in this thesis using the juridical normative petanggung answers by analyzing the criminal act of terrorism committed by children based on Act No. 3 of the year 1997 Concerning juvenile court. The results of the research the author's thesis that law number 15 Year 2003 Concerning the eradication of criminal acts of Terrorism should be mengakaji more in the against criminal sanctions against the child, because the child could have been victims of parties who are not responsible.


Criminal Liability of Children, Criminal Acts of Terrorism



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Peraturan Undang-Undang

Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pengadilan Anak

Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme

Sumber Internet Diaskes pada tanggal 26 maret 2017 jam 20.21 Wib


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