Broking of Individual Land Property of Wahana Karya Market of Rancaekek Wetan Village of Rancaekek District of Bandung Regency Based on Law Number 5 Year 1960 on Basic Regulation of Agrarian

Rizky Mulyawan


The building is something that humans need to do things better place to live as well as for the business as well occupation. The building can also be used as a property that can be owned by a person, but a definite standing building above ground level with various status of the land rights and have the period of time for a right to the building. How is for legal protection of buildings that stood on the land property rights is good for the land owner and the owner of the building as well as how well the legal consequences arising from a treaty right to build on land ownership rights for the parties. Method The approach used in this study, is a normative juridical, a method that examines library materials and ingredients secondary law. Techniques used for the above approach given that the problems studied ranged in legislation. Law for owners Broking above ground Property Rights that is evidence of agreements Broking conducted between landowners and the owner of the rights to the building and to the legal consequences that caused that the agreement can be canceled because one party has been in default and for landowners can do the demolition of the building.


Broking, Properties, Default


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