Criminal Policy on the Efforts of Human Trafficking Crime Based on Law Number 21 Act of 2007 on the Eradication of Human Trafficking

singgih Puja Pangestu, Dey Ravena


Today trafficking (Human Trafficking) is not an alien, but has become a national and international problem protracted, which until now have not found the completion point of the government of each country as well as international organizations working on the issue. The practice of human trafficking is a form of the worst crimes of this world. Indonesia is highlighted by the international community; given the country of Indonesia is still high practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking). Based on the description above, the writer found the existence of a criminal policy in tackling human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia and the factors that influence human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was conducted to understand the Criminal Policy that has been done by the government in overcoming the practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia and the factors that affect the practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia. The method used is juridical normative that aims to seek legal principles and efforts and discovery of the law to be applied in order to resolve the legal issues and secondary data is Deductive by analyzing the articles, legislation, as well as the principles, theory and the conception of the scholars who explain about matters related to the research conducted by the author. Results of research can be concluded by the authors is that Policy Crime committed by both government Non-Penal (prevention) or penal (action) against the practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia, does not eliminate the practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia. Many factors affect the practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia, including economic factors, Ecological, Socio-Cultural, lack circumstances Gender Equality, Law Enforcement, and Education. However, it is economic factors, which influenced the practice of human trafficking (Human Trafficking) in Indonesia.


Crime Policies, Human Trafficking, Prevention, Crime.


a. Sumber Buku :

Arief Amrullah, Politik Hukum Pidana, Bayumedia Publishing, Malang, 2007.

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b. Peraturan Perundang-undangan :

Undang-Undang No.21 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang.

c. Jurnal :

Dey ravena,Kebijakan Kriminal


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