Cochran Test for homogeneity means in Two Ways ANOVA

Susan Susanti, Siti Sunendiari, Abdul Kudus


The design of the experiment is all the processes required in the study, starting from the discovery of the idea to the hypothesis test and conclusion of the test result. Factorial design is used to look at the effects of two or more factors. The average homogeneity test of two-way ANOVA cases using Cochran method is one of the methods that can be used to see whether the data set has average homogeneity or not. When compared with homogeneity test results using Cochran method. The application of homogeneity test using Cochran method will be used for the purpose of homogeneity of Solid Surface Surface toughness. The results of this test show that gasification 13.44 is smaller than   of 23.7 then H0 received the mean word of the homogeneous group. This can be used as a basis for further analysis.


Experiment Design, Homogeneity Test of Cochran Average Method


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