self compasion pada pediastrik rumah sakit santo borromeus bandung

rizka hendarizkianny



Child with special requires the handling specific.Pediatric, therapist specifically handle child who had problems growing kembang.Not an easy task of being a therapist pediatik, they sued in holistic on the development of every child with the capability of being varied.The difficulties encountered while working as a therapist was suffering.But therapist remains positive behavior and not judge yourself.Therapist showed that they have self compassion; namely be kind to yourself when do mistakes. Santo Borromeus is a hospital with facilities child therapy adequate in the Bandung city. The purpose of this research done to find out the image of the self in a therapist compassion and factors that influence it.The methodology that was used is a method of descriptive with respondents 11 people referring to a measuring instrument from Kristin Neff ( 2003 ).The outcome of the findings was 82 % therapist self compassion having a high with the framer of a component that is also high that is self kindness, common humanity, and components mindfulness with highest self kindness.Dominant trait in a therapist with self compassion conscientiousness were high, extraversion. and openness. The therapist with low self about 12 % of compassion has the kindness of self and common humanity.With low self therapist compassion, and have compassion extraversion.self trait conscientiousness in support of job that caregiver a therapist.A therapist who have high self kelekatan and had compassion for the old model megarahkan them to empathize with each other for a therapist who have low self compassion is used to do everything alone without assistance lain.terapis for people with low self compassion, and tend to act as a collectivism.

Keyword : Self Compassion, Therapist Pediatric


Keyword : Self Compassion, Therapist Pediatric


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