Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Profil Minat Berdasarkan Alat Tes Minat Holland Pada Karyawan Starbucks Bandung

fitri rahmah



Interest is one of the most important factors in having a sinecure. On Starbucks Bandung’s employees, the company has given all the things needed by an employee but there plenty of employees that are absence of his contracts. The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical data concerning the study dekriptif on the profile of interest based on a test interest Holland on employees Starbucks Bandung. Holland hold on to confidence that the interest is the result a fusion of history of the life of a person and the whole his personality. Environment becomes one of the factors that play a role in the formation of interest a person. Holland divide type personality and the environment into six type personality, namely: Realistic, Investigative , Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. A subject sample used is which consisted of 30 people. A measuring instrument used in the form of observation, interview, and use tests inventori interest from Holland. Results based on the profile of interest test interest Holland most many appear on employees Starbucks namely type A-S-E (artistic-social-enterprising) 13.33 % as much as. Based on these results, there were nine employees who have a profile interests in accordance with the demands of its work there in Starbucks. The profile of the interest possessed by the employees of this can be an example by company in the selection process of the election of prospective employees .

Key Word: Interest Profil, Employee of Starbucks Bandung


Interest Profil, Employee of Starbucks Bandung


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