Gambaran Mengenai Profil Komitmen Organisasi pada Guru Sekolah Alam Balikpapan (SD) Kota Balikpapan

Rumaysyah Annisa, hendro prakoso


Abstract. The teacher was an educators required to work in a professional manner. It also applies to teachers in elementary school Nature of Balikpapan. However, there are barriers experienced by teachers, lack of knowledge and skills to handle students in class inclusion due to the background of teachers not PLB, mediocre salary, and field school on the Hill, causing the turn over. There are teachers who decide to stay afloat teaching with a working period of more than 2 years. The purpose of this research is to gain an idea of the profile of the Organization's commitment to teachers at school Nature concepts based on the theory of Balikpapan organizational commitment expressed by Allen Meyer (1997). ). The methods used in this research is descriptive method with the subject teachers 11 research data collection form of Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) with the reliability test 0.782. Data obtained in the form of ordinal data. The results showed there were four groups i.e. organizational commitment profile profile of the one dimensional affective commitment high, continuance commitment high, high commitment as much as normative 5 teachers (46%), the second profile on categories the affective dimension of the commitment is high, continuance commitment, the normative commitment high as much as 3 teachers (28%), third on the profile categories the affective dimension of the commitment is high, continuance commitment high low normative commitment as much as 2 teachers (19%), and the fourth on the profile categories the affective dimension of the commitment is low, continuance commitment high low normative commitment as much as 1 teacher (7%).


Abstrak. Guru merupakan seorang tenaga pendidik yang dituntut bekerja secara profesional. Hal tersebut juga berlaku pada guru di Sekolah Dasar Alam Balikpapan. Namun, terdapat hambatan yang dialami guru, minimnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan menangani siswa di kelas inklusi dikarenakan latarbelakang guru bukan PLB, gaji yang pas-pasan, dan medan sekolah di bukit, sehingga menyebabkan turn over. Terdapat guru yang memutuskan untuk tetap bertahan mengajar dengan masa kerja lebih dari 2 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai profil komitmen organisasi yang ada pada guru di Sekolah Alam Balikpapan yang berdasarkan konsep teori komitmen organisasi yang dikemukakan oleh Allen & Meyer (1997). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian 11 orang guru Pengumpulan data berupa  Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) dengan uji reliabilitas 0,782. Data yang diperoleh berupa data ordinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat empat kelompok profil komitmen organisasi yaitu profil kesatu dimensi affective commitment tinggi, continuance commitment tinggi, normative commitment tinggi sebanyak 5 guru (46%), profil yang kedua pada kategori dimensi affective commitment tinggi, continuance commitment rendah, normative commitment tinggi sebanyak 3 guru (28%), profil ketiga pada kategori dimensi affective commitment tinggi, continuance commitment tinggi normative commitment rendah sebanyak 2 guru (19%), dan profil keempat pada kategori dimensi affective commitment rendah, continuance commitment tinggi normative commitment rendah sebanyak 1 guru (7%).


Teacher, Inclusion


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