Studi Deskriptif Post Traumatic Growth pada Penderita Kanker Payudara Pasca Mastektomi yang Tergabung dalam Grup Media Sosial di Kabupaten Pandeglang

Raden Chaerunnissa, Temi Damayanti Diamhoer


Abstract. Cancer is a condition when the cell has lost the normal control of mechanism. Breast cancer is malignant tumor which comes from mammary gland. Mastectomy is medical treatment of breast cancer with taking all breast tissue up. Zamralita (1999) said that mastectomy is able to causing all kind of reaction to woman like withdrawing from environment, decreasing of self-esteem, insomnia and anorexia. There is a group of individuals in Pandeglang district whom affected by breast cancer and did mastectomy made a group in one of social media, which often held the activities. Women shows multiple of reactions after mastectomy. The first reaction commonly is negative. But, the negative emotion can change into positive emotion which make individual able to decide the positive step too. The woman who has struggled to fight breast cancer and saved from mastectomy has strong and spirit to hold. Post traumatic growth is an experience of positive change. The aspects of post traumatic growth are, Appreciation of life, Relating to others, Personal strength, New possibilities, dan Spiritual development. The purpose of this research is to know the picture of post traumatic growth toward breast cancer patients whom have done mastectomy in Pandeglang. The method that is used in this research is descriptive study with the number of population is fifteen people. The data collection is done by using questionnaire measuring tape. Post traumatic growth from Tadeschi and Calhoun has been adapted language. The result of the research describes that nine (60%) subjects have high post traumatic growth and six (40%) have low post traumatic growth. 


Abstrak. Kanker merupakan salah satu kondisi sel kehilangan pengendalian mekanisme normalnya. Kanker payudara adalah tumor ganas kelenjar payudara. Mastektomi adalah pengobatan kanker payudara dengan cara mengangkat seluruh jaringan payudara. Zamralita (1999) menyatakan mastektomi dapat menyebabkan berbagai reaksi pada perempuan dalam bentuk menarik diri dari lingkungan, penurunan self esteem, insomnia dan anoreksia. Terdapat sekelompok individu di Kabupaten Pandeglang, yang terkena kanker payudara, melakukan mastektomi membuat kelompok disalah satu media sosial, sering kali mengadakan kegiatan positif. Pasca mastektomi membuat wanita memunculkan beragam reaksi. Reaksi awal umumnya bersifat negatif. Namun, emosi negatif tersebut dapat berubah menjadi emosi positif yang membuat individu bisa menentukan langkah yang positif pula. Perempuan yang telah berjuang melawan kanker payudara dan selamat melalui mastektomi memiliki kekuatan dan semangat untuk bertahan. Post traumatic growth adalah pengalaman berupa perubahan positif (Tadeschi dan Calhoun, 2000). Aspek Post Traumatic Growth yaitu, Appreciation of life, Relating to others, Personal strength, New possibilities, dan Spiritual development. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran Post traumatic growth pada penderita kanker payudara yang sudah menjalani mastektomi yang tergabung dalam grup media sosial di Pandeglang. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini studi deskriptif, dengan populasi berjumlah 15 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan alat ukur berupa kuesioner Post Traumatic Growth dari Tadeschi dan Calhoun yang telah diadaptasi bahasa. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa 9 (60%) subjek memiliki Post traumatic growth yang tinggi dan 6 (40%) memiliki Post traumatic growth yang rendah. 


Post Traumatic Growth, Breast Cancer, Mastectomy


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