Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Impulse Buying pada Gamers Game Online Dragon Nest Kota Bandung

Alfien Theo Gumeular, Ria Dewi Eryani


Abstract. Playing Games Online is one way to spend leisure time and to unwind. However, in reality there are some students who do play online games activities to spend money in large quantities to be able to buy equipment for playing online games and stuff that is in online games or often referred to as virtual goods. The goods purchasing activities leads to Impulse Buying behavior. The purpose of this study is Obtain data on impulse buying at gamers online game Dragon Nest in the cafe Digi Games Bandung. Impulse Buying an irrational purchases and purchases associated with rapid and unplanned, followed by emotional impulse (Verplanken, 2001). The method used in this study was a descriptive study. Samples used as many as 32 people. Impulse Buying data collection using a measuring instrument developed by Verplanken and Herabadi (2001) which were modified in tune with the sample. Test the validity of Impulse Buying shows all items valid. Measuring tool also shows the high level of reliability r = 0.894. Based on the comparison of the cognitive elements with elements of emotion on gamers online game dragon nest in the cafe Digi Games Bandung found that as many as 23 people have cognitive elements in the low category and the element of emotion in the high category that can say that in the purchase of an item, they are still dominated by as well as his feelings .. There are 9 people or about 28% of gamers online game dragon nest in the cafe Digi games Bandung has a cognitive element in the high category and emotional elements in the low category, meaning that in buying an item in both the online shop or game online gamers online game dragon nest in the cafe Digi Bandung games are already on rational considerations, buying a product at a price within the limits of capabilities and purchase items by considering the utility value of an object.

Abstrak. Bermain Games Online adalah salah satu cara untuk mengisi waktu luang dan untuk melepas penat. Namun, pada kenyataannya ada beberapa mahasiswa yang melakukan kegiatan bermain online games hingga mengeluarkan uang dengan jumlah yang besar untuk dapat membeli peralatan untuk bermain game online dan barang yang ada di dalam online games atau sering dinamakan sebagai virtual goods. Kegiatan pembelian barang tersebut mengarah pada perilaku Impulse Buying. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan, maka perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut: “Bagaimana gambaran mengenai impulse buying pada gamers game online Dragon Nest di warnet Digi Games kota Bandung?â€. Selanjutnya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh data mengenai impulse buying pada gamers game online Dragon Nest di warnet Digi Games kota Bandung.


Impulse Buying, Online Games, Digi Games.


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