Descriptive study of psychological well-being on mothers of autistic students in SLB-C YPLB Bandung.

Rahmadina Haturahim, Lilim Halimah


SLB-C YPLB Bandung is a school for disability children  as autistic children. The term of autism is used to show psychological symptoms on unique and conspicuous and it is called Kanner syndrome. The syndrome can be seen from face expressions; lack of focus, empathy to get them into real communication. With those conditions, mothers of autistic children must have bigger difficulties to raise the children than mothers who have normal children. Those children must be handled and intervened intensively, and cohesively to accomplish optimal result. The parents of autistic children must pay more attention to them, deep acceptance, affection, in raising them. Those attiudes are on-going with dimensions of Psychological well being (PWB). Ryff (in Allan Car, 2008) defines psychological well being as an encouragement to dig individual self potency up wholly. There are 6 dimensions of psychological well-being, they are self acceptance, positive relationship with other people, autonomy, environment possesion, life goal, personal growth. The objective of the study is to describe Psychological Well Being on mothers of autistic children in SLB C YPLB Bandung and its influential factors. A questionnaire of Psychological well being scale of Ryff is used as the instrument. This is a descriptive study. The results show that the mothers of autistic children in SLB-C YPLB Bandung have high psychological well being.


Psychological Well Being, mothers of autistic children, SLB-C YPLB


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