Descriptive study of mothers patience degree of 6-12 years old disabled children in SLB-G Bhakti Mitra Utama foundation Baleendah Bandung regency.

Hanna Nur Azizah, Endan Pudiastuti


Disabled and special need children become a burden of education and make it harder, especially for mothers. The mothers inSLB-G Bhakti Mitra Utama foundation Baleendah Bandung regency feel that the burden and responsibility impacts positively on them. Stress management ability is related to patience and attitude consistency in education. According to Yusuf (2010), patience is the ability to manage , control, lead (thought, feeling, and action), and overcome all difficulties comprehensively and integratively. The objective of this study is to obatin empirical data about mothers patience degree of 6-12 years old multi-disabilities children in SLB-G Bhakti Mitra Utama foundation Baleendah Bandung regency. This is descriptive study with 17 mothers as the sample. The instrument used is a questionnaire based on the theory of patience by Yusuf (2010). Reliability of the patience instrument is 0.961. The results show that mothers of 6-12 years old multi-disabilities children in SLB-G Bhakti Mitra Utama foundation Baleendah Bandung regency have high patience, and it can be seen from its percentage 52,95% in the very high level and 47,05%  of them in high level of patience. The low and lowest categories are 0%.


Patience, heading towards principle, steadfast, diligent


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