A study of crowding level differences on 10 and 12 years old charitable institution children in Muhammadiyah charitable institution Sumur bandung.

Andhini Fauzia, Farida Coralia


Muhammadiyah charitable institutionSumur Bandung is one institution has many foster children with few caretakers. It has 27 foster children and 2 administrators and a caretaker. Based on the interview with 10 and 12 years old children in the charitable institution, they say they feel uncomfortable sometimes when they are sleeping because of squeezing with other children, they get difficulty to find playground in the charitable institution, donot have close relationship with other children, and being regarded unfairly by the caretaker. This condition makes some of them uncomfortable to live in the place. In spite of the fact that some prefer to live in the place than in their own houses. The objective of this study is to decribe crowding level difference on 10 and 12 years old children in Muhammadiyah charitable institution Sumur Bandung with 15 children as the sample (8 of 10 years old children and 7 of 12 years old children). The Crowding variable used is from theory of Rapport (1987).  The results show that 67% of children have high crowding variable, and 33% of children see it as low crowding, where 10 of 15 children feel high crowding (6 children of 10 years old and  4 children of 12 years old). In the age of 10, behaviour component has highest percentage and it is about 71,7%. And in the age of, emotional component has highest percentage and it is about 69,3%.


Crowding, charitable institution children, age of 10 and 12.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.3004

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