Descriptive study of burnout on nurses in outlying district public hospital of Bandung regency.

Bellinda Triana Yusuf, Ria Dewi Eryani


Nursing is an important profession in hospital to maintain health service quality in the hospital. Generally hospital service consist of in-patient nurses and out-patient nurses. The nurses are at risk to be stressful because they bear heavy burden.sometimes the burden makes them tired physically and emotionally, apathetic to the environment, inconfident about their task result, and this is called burnout. The objective of this study is to describe burnout on nurses in RSUD (district public hospital) Soreang Bandung Regency. This is a descriptive method with 100 nurses as the sample. The analysis technique used is frequency distribution data analysis with the results that there are 70 nurses have an average burnout and 30 nurses have low burnout. The results describe that the nurses in RSUD Soreang experince Burnout.


Overnight nurse, district nurse, burnout.


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