Descriptive study of SLB C terate teachers Profile need based on EPPS (Edward Personal Preference Schedule)

Yuke Yuliasari, Yuli Aslamawati


SLB C terate is an SLB for drifter children. There are 9 teachers and 43 students in this school. 30% of UPI graduates majoring disability education become teachers of the school especially in part C by handling 5 students in a time session, and it is a tough responsibiity. However, they obtain many offers to teach in other disability or private schools with light responsibility. The objective of the study is to describe profil need on teachers of SLB-C Terate Bandung based on EPPS test. This is a descriptive study with all teachers of SLB-C Terate Bandung as the sample of research population. The  instrument used is EPPS test. EPPS describes need profile of the teachers. Diagram of modus score is used in each need to facilitate this research. Modus score is obtained from percentile score result calculation obtained from each need. The results show that teachers of SLB-C Terate have very high score on need Achievement, Order, Deference, Endurance based on EPPS test.


Profile need, SLB teachers, EPPS test.


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