Descriptive study of Adversity Quotient on teachers of Al-Mursyid Islamic high school Bandung city.

Olla Tiyana, Eni Nuraeni Nugrahawati


Al-Mursyid Islamic high school is a bare school in Bandung city for low level society. 70% of the students ahve jobs outside the school hour, it impacts negatively on the students; they come late to the school, cannot focus and are sleepy in the learning process because they are tired. Those conditions become obstacles for the teachers. There are other obstacles by the teachers; students parents prefer their children to work, minimum school facilities, idle students in doing their homeworks and remedial tests, the lack of students motivation to attend the school. The teachers’ monthly salary is not sufficient and often in arrears by the foundation side. However, the teacher of Al-Mursyid Islamic high school endure to teach and make some efforts to solve the problems. According to Paul. G. Stoltz (2005) that adversity quotient is individual ability to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.The objective of this research to describe teachers’ adversity quotient profile in Islamic High school Bandung. This is the descriptive study with 14 teachers as the sample. The instrument used is an adapted questionnaire of adversity quotient response profile of Paul. G. Stoltz. The results show that teachers of Al-Mursyid Islamic High School have high  Adversity quotient or climber type in about 12 teachers or 86%, 10 teachers of 71,42%  of them have high control dimension, 7 teachers or 50% of them origin dimension and ownership, 7 teachers or 50% of them in high origin dimension and ownership, 11 teachers or 78, 58% of them in high reach dimension,  and 11 teachers or 79% of them in high endurance dimension.


Adversity Quotient, Guru, Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic high school), Climber, Control, Origin dan Ownership, Reach, Endurance


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