A study of intention and ride behavior intention determinant on children and teenagers in Coblong subdistrict Bandung.

Retno Puji Wulandari, Farida Coralia


Riding is one routine done by most of Indonesian society to facilitate their lives everyday. There some adults drive motor vehicles and some children are interested to ride either motors or cars. Based on the regulation of Indonesian Republic No.22 year 2009 about traffic and transportation that everyone must have a driving licence that is suitable with the vehicles they drive before riding motor vehicles in public streets. One of conditions to have a driving licence is the individua’s age must be more than 17 years old. Based on the data of Pikiran Rakyat newspaper on Oktober 12th  2014 says that the students are the highest second profession as accident performers in Bandung city. The reason of teenagers’ driving are their parents’ permission to drive and obtain the facility, driving and riding can facilitate their activities and some invitations from their friends to ride. The objective of this study is to describe the correlation between intention and children teenagers’ riding behavior intention determinant on Coblong subdistrict Bandung based on the theory of Planned Behavior of Icek Ajzen. This is a descriptive study with 58 respondents of children and teenagers wwhose age are less than 17 years old as the sample. They ride motor vehicles without having a driving licence, and live in Coblong subdistrict. The results show that 83% of children and teenagers have strong intention to ride and drive. They also have Attitude Toward Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Positive perceived Behavioral Control, and the children or teenagers who have weak intention have also positive Toward Behavior, and negative Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioeal Control.


Intention, intention determinant, ride behavior, children and teenagers.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2985

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