Correlation between work morality and work motivation on permanent employees in PT. TriSumber Makmur Indah production department.

Raden Deriana Pratiwi S, Oki Mardiawan


PT. TriSumber Makmur Indah is a national company takes benefits from tea plantation crops as raw material of its products. In the productive company, the production department is the hearth of the company. There are 60 permanent workers in this department. In the middle of the year precisely on July, the company has a production crops decline caused by conducive environments for the workers. They say that it is monotonous, their work is not appreciated, the company cannot provide prosperity. Those situations impacts on worker’s work. When the workers see negatively in their environment, they will be lack of spirit in their work and do such behviour as postponing to work, late to come to the factory, leaving early before work hour is over, spending more time to have rest, smoking anytime in the work hour. Those kinds of attitude show that they have lack of delegence and efforts to finish their jobs. The objective of this study is to describe the correlation between work morality and work motivation on permanent workers of PT. TriSumber Makmur Indah. The results show that there is a positive correlation between work morality and work motivation on permanent workers of PT. TriSumber Makmur Indah (rs = 0.515). it means that the lower the work morality of the workers the lower the work motivation of the workers.


Work morality, work motivation.


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