Descriptive study of organizational commitment profile on permanent employess (level 1 – 3) of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia Production Department

Abdullah Ridlo Syahid, Lisa Widawati


Industries in Indonesia develop fastly, many fresh industries appear and competition among industries will be quite hard because MEA is applied in 2015. One of developing manufacture companies is PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. Based on the exploration result, some employees are not satisfied to work there because of low salary, subjective work evaluation, unclear career stage. However, most of employees in level 1 – 3 remain performing duties in accordace with the company rules: coming ontime, obey the rules. Allen and Meyer (1997) say that organizational commitment is a psychological state that determine employees’ tendency to maintain their membership in the company. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about organizational commitment profile on employess of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. The method used is descriptive study with 125 employees as the sample. The results show that there 6 organizational commitment profiles; high Affective, high Continuance, high Normative; high Affective, high Continuance, low Normative; high Affective, Clow continuance, low Normative; low Affective, low Continuance, low Normative; high Affective,low Continuance, high Normative; low Affective, high Continuance, high  Normative.


Organizational commitment profile, employees, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.


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