Descriptive Study of Children Well-Being domains on students of class VI in SDN (civil elementary school) Pelesiran Bandung.

Widhyandari Hardadi Ediwidjojo, Indri Utami


Many parents of class VI students in SDN Pelesiran Bandung have low economic and educational background. Uneducated parents fully hand their children’s education over their school teachers. The parents donot try to implement what the teachers have taught to their children. Based on the interview with 6 students that they are not really close to their parents because they are busy with their work so the children are happy to spend time in school with their friends. the objective of this study to obtain empirical data about children well-being domains on students of class VI in SDN Pelesiran Bandung. The method used is descriptive study with 20 students as the sample. The data collecting technique used is by providing a questionnaire of children well-being that contains 8 domains of life satisfaction based on the theory subjective well-being of Diener and rearranged by UNICEF. The results show that in some domains there are the most dominant domains; interpersonal relationship satisfaction, school satisfaction, health satisfcation (100%)  and the lowest are time organization satisfaction (85%), it means that in the most dominant domains students are satisfied with their lives.


Children Well-Being, class VI students, SD Negri Pelesiran (Pelesiran Civil Elementary School)


Diener, Ed. (2009). The Science Of Well-Being. Social Indicators Research Series Volume 37. USA: Springer.

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Gunung Mulia

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