Correlation between risk taking behaviour and aggressive driving on motor vehicle drivers Surapati street Bandung city.

Monica Wulandari, Endah Nawangsih


Surapati street is a crowded street with motor vehicle drivers that lead it into traffic jam and accident because of traffic rule breakers. According to SatLantas data, there are many infractions done by cars and motors. In a year from November 2014 upto November 2015 there are 1.335 infractions. According to interview and observation result that motor vehicle drivers are sometimes underestimate consequencies impacted by emotional choice of motor vehicle drivers especially in early adult age. This is influenced by personal interst and the traffic condition and situation at that time. Therefore, many motor drivers take risk to do aggressive action that endanger themselves and other drivers. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about the correlation between risk taking bahaviour and aggressive driving on motor drivers in early adult age in Surapati street Bandung. The method used is correlational study with 73 drivers who break the traffic rule in Surapati street as the sample. The instrument is constructed based on theory risk taking behaviour (Yates, 1994) and aggressive driving (James & Nahl 2000). The results show that risk taking behaviour variable has a strong negative correlation with aggressive driving variable with the score of 0,746. It means that the lower the risk taking behaviour the higher the aggressive driving done by motor drivers in Surapati street Bandung.


Risk taking behaviour, aggressive driving, motor vehicle driver, early adult age.


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