Correlation between peer support and psychological well-being on foreign students of Minangkabau ethnic in Islamic university of Bandung.

Lulu Aulia, Endah Nawangsih


Going abroad is a tradition from generation to generation done by Minangkabau ethnic society and becomes a necessity and so are the students of Minangkabau in UNISBA. There is a student activity unit of Minangkabau students in UNISBA. In the unit they can communicate to each other and arrange special activity together. However, some foreign students only concern about their studies. So it will lead them into be indifferent students. They tend to be passive in organizational activities in each faculty. The  method used is correlation with 45 UNISBA students of 2014 as the sample. The first instrument used is a peer support questinnaire constructed by researcher based on theory of Salomom (2004) and for the second variable is a Psychological well-being  questionnaire of Ryff’s scale (Carol D. Ryff). Data processing used is Spearman Rank correlation test (rs), there is a very strong correlation between Peer Support and Psychological Well-Being and it is about (rs= 0,881), it means that the more positive of Minangkabau students purpose to peer support, the more positive the psychological well-being. The very high peer support aspect is instrumental support and the lowest aspect is emotional aspect.


Going abroad, Minangkabau, Peer support, Psychological well-being.


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