The correlation between social support and adaptational outcomes on teenagers in SMA X Ciamis pasca stressfull abortion.

Nova Triyani Sidhrotul Muntaha, Suci Nugraha


Undesired pregnancy and abortion are not only medical problems for teenagers but also real huge social problems. The girls who did abortion silently usually experieene Post abortion Syndrome (PAS) after abortion process. Stresful reaction of individual is different from other individual depends on his cognitive evaluation and resource. This difference is usually affected by social and psychology factors which change stressor influence on the individual. One of the factors is social support. The individual who succeed to overcome the depression finally able to adapt the condition. Cognitive evaluation and coping resource impact on individual adapatation result and it is called adaptational outcomes (Lazarus, 1984). The success of adaptation is the concequence of resource use and effective coping to solve th eproblem. The objective of this study is to describe the correlation between social support and adaptational outcomes on depressed teeangers in SMA X Ciamis pasca abortion. The method used is correlation with 10 teenagers as the sample. The instrument of social support used is generated from theory of Sarafino (1994) and adaptational outcomes instrument used is generated from Lazarus and Folkman (1984) by using Spearman rank correlation coefficient and it is obtained r = 0,648, it means that it has high correlation. The results show that 90% of students have high social support, 60% of students have low adaptational outcomes and 40% of students have high adaptational outcomes.


Social support, adaptational outcome, abortion.


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