Needs profile on tatoo people in X association Bandung.

Rio Hefrianto, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


X association bandung is a community group of tatoo people gather around in Bandung. There are 12 people of 400 people who contiously increase their tatoos in their bodies. The made tatoo because of self dissatisfaction as compared themselves with others. They are continously eager to increase their tatoo because they obtain self satisfaction and confidence. Most of people will recognize them as the cool and impressive people. According to Murray that ‘needs’ is a construct represents a power of the brain, a power manages perception, aperception, understanding and certain condition to present condition into desired condition (Clavin S. Hall & Gardnen Lindzey, 1993). The objective of this study is to describe needs profile of people who continousl increase tatoo on their bodies. The method used is descriptive study with 12 people as the research sample. The instrument used is inventory; Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS). The results show that the needs profile of people of X association Bandung who contiously increase tatoo in their bodies are achievement need, exhibition need, prominent aggression need.


Profit needs, tatoo people, tatoo, EPPS.


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