Pengaruh Academic Self-Efficacy Terhadap Stres Akademik Mahasiswa Selama Perkuliahan Daring

Ruci Dwi Pangastutiningtyas, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


Abstract. The changes that occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic is face-to-face learning has now turned into online learning. The changing of lecture system makes students experience more demands, the internet must always be stable during lectures, limited learning facilities and changes cause confusion for students and several obstacles during the lecture that cause students to experience stress. Academic stress is an individual's perception of stressors that come from academic and see how the individual reacts which consists of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional reactions to the stressor (Gadzella & Masten, 2005). Academic self-efficacy is one of the factors that can affect academic stress. Academic self-efficacy is an individual's belief in the ability issued in completing academic assignments (Zajacova et al., 2005). The study was conducted to see whether there is an effect of academic self-efficacy on student academic stress in the city of Bandung during online lectures. This study uses a causality design and was conducted on 410 students in Bandung. The measuring instrument used is Academic Self Efficacy Scale from Zajacova et al. (2005) and Gadzella's Student-Life Stress Inventory (1994). The results showed there was a negative effect of academic self-efficacy on student academic stress in Bandung during online lectures (R2 = 0.054; Sig. 0.00). This means that the higher the academic self-efficacy, the lower the perceived academic stress.

Keywords: Academic Self-Efficacy, Academic Stress, Online Lectures

Abstrak. Perubahan yang terjadi karena pandemi Covid-19 yaitu pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara tatap muka kini berubah menjadi daring. Sistem perkuliahan yang berubah membuat mahasiswa mengalami lebih banyak tuntutan yaitu jaringan internet yang harus selalu stabil selama perkuliahan, keterbatasan fasilitas belajar dan perubahan lainnya serta beberapa kendala selama perkuliahan daring meyebabkan mahasiswa mengalami stres. Stres akademik ialah persepsi individu mengenai stressor yang berasal dari akademik serta melihat bagaimana reaksi individu yang terdiri dari reaksi fisik, peri1aku, kognitif,,dan emosi.terhadap.stressor tersebut (Gadzella & Masten, 2005). Academic self-efficacy sa1ah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi stres akademik. Academic self-efficacy merupakan keyakinan individu terhadap kemampuan yang dimilikinya dalam menyelesaikan tugas akademik (Zajacova et al., 2005). Penelitian di1akukan untuk me1ihat apakah terdapat pengaruh academic self-efficacy terhadap stres akademik mahasiswa di Kota Bandung selama perkuliahan daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kausalitas dan dilakukan pada 410 mahasiswa di Kota Bandung. Alat ukur yang.digunakan yaitu.Academic Self Efficacy Scale dari Zajacova et al. (2005) dan Student-Life Stress Inventory dari Gadzella (1994). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif academic self-efficacy terhadap stres .akademik mahasiswa Kota Bandung se1ama perkuliahan daring (R2 = 0,054; Sig. 0,00). Artinya semakin tinggi academic self-efficacy yang dimiliki maka semakin rendah stres akademik yang dirasakan.

Kata Kunci: Academic Self-Efficacy, Perkuliahan Daring, Stres Akademik


Academic Self-Efficacy, Perkuliahan Daring, Stres Akademik

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