Descriptive study of children’s well-being on students of class 2 in Z elementary school Bandung.

Rizka Ulfah, Siti Qodariah


Z elementary school Bandung is a school located in an over populated settlement area in Bandung city; Kiaracondong Bandung. The school is the only closest school to garbage dump (TPS). Most of students in the school are from low social economy status especially class 2. Based on the observation and interview, the students in the class have little pocket money, obtain less attention from their parents especially in academic achievement, social intercourse, and their health. The students of this school are happier to spend most of their time outside of the house than inside. The objective of this study is to describe children well-being on students of class 2 in SD Z (elementary school) Bandung. Data collection used is a children well-being questionnaire of Diener’s Subjective well-being theory and modified by ISCWeb with 8 domains and contains 66 question items with nominal data. The results show that 2 highess and most special domains of children well-being are interpersonal relationship and personal satisfaction domains.


Children well-being, class 2 of elementary school, economics status.



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