Apakah Gaming Motive Tinggi Menunjukkan Tingkat Adiksi Game Yang Tinggi Pula?

Kirana Salma Dewi, Fanni Putri Diantina


Abstract. The number of active gamers in Indonesia in 2019 was 62.1 million people. The large number of the game players has the potential to cause addiction to online games. It has to be given more attention because can cause some negative impact such as a decrease of health quality as well as work and academic performance. Everyone must have a motive behind their behavior, as well as the behavior of playing games. This study was conducted to determine the description of the gaming motive for male and female gamers MMORPG in relation to internet gaming disorder. This research was descriptive analysis with the sample 272 MMORPG gamers in Bandung who were indicated to have internet gaming disorder, using purposive sampling technique. Data collected by using the Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ) measuring instrument from Demetrovics et al. and Game Addiction Scale (GAS) from Lemmens et al. The results show that men have a greater mean value for gaming motives (Mean= 107,22) than women (Mean= 106,22). However, the mean value of internet gaming disorder for male was smaller (Mean= 28,49) than women (Mean= 30,91).

Keywords: Gaming motive, gamers MMORPG, internet gaming disorder

Abstrak. Jumlah pemain game aktif di Indonesia pada tahun 2019 adalah sejumlah 62,1 juta orang. Banyaknya jumlah pemain game ini berpotensi menimbulkan kecanduan game online. Hal ini perlu diperhatikan karena berdampak buruk seperti penurunan kualitas kesehatan juga performa kerja dan akademik. Setiap orang pasti memiliki motif dibalik perilakunya, begitupula dengan perilaku bermain game. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran gaming motive pada gamers laki-laki dan gamers perempuan, pemain game jenis MMORPG pada kaitannya dengan internet gaming disorder. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis deskriptif dengan sample penelitian sebanyak 272 gamers MMORPG di Kota Bandung yang telah terindikasi mengalami internet gaming disorder, menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ) dari Demetrovics et al. dan Game Addiction Scale (GAS) dari Lemmens et al. Hasil menunjukkan laki-laki memiliki nilai mean yang lebih besar pada gaming motive (Mean= 107,22) dibandingkan perempuan (Mean= 106,22). Akan tetapi nilai mean internet gaming disorder pada laki-laki lebih kecil (Mean= 28,49) daripada perempuan (Mean= 30,91).

Kata Kunci: Gaming motive, gamers MMORPG, internet gaming disorder


Gaming motive, gamers MMORPG, internet gaming disorder

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.28401

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