Comparative study of sodomy victims teenagers Reciliency between Village X and Village Y in Bandung regency.

Intan Pratitasari, Muhammad Ilmi Hatta


Indonesia is deranged by children sexual abuse cases. Children National commision (komnas) noted that the highest crime type since 2007 is sodomy to children. The sodomy impacts on children psychologically, cognitively, emotionally, socially. The sodomy victims teenagers of village X experience traumatic and bad impacts in about 6 months such as fear, discomfort, unconfident and anti social. However, the sodomy victims teenagers of village Y can survive from distress in one month. According to Grotberg (1999) that reliciency is an individual ability or capacity to face, overcome, be stronger and even change because of bad and difficult experience. With factors of ‘I have’, ‘I am’, and ‘I Can’. The objective of this study is to describe different reliciency between sexual abuse victims in those two villages. The method used is comparative study with 13 people as the sample. The instrument of reliciency is based on the theory Grotberg and adapted from the instrument of Kusumainten Nataprawira (10050009063) readapted with the researcher’s phenomenon using construct validity by used try out omitted item. The results show that there are 3 people of sodomy victims teenagers in village X have reliciency in 50,00% high criteria and 50,00% lower. There are 7 people of sodomy victims teenagers have 100,00% high reliciency category. From the precentage of reliency  it can seen that most of sodomy victims have external and internal power , interpersonal and problem solving ability.


Sodomy, reciliancy, teenager.


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