Pengaruh Persepsi Rasa Aman Terhadap Subjective Well-Being Pada Korban Perundungan Saudara Kandung

Rivanty Shafausta Rahma, Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo


Abstract. This study aimed to explain the contribution of perception of safety towards subjective well-being (SWB) of sibling bullying victims during COVID-19. The data was obtained by using the convenience sampling and collected online by using Google Form. The participants of the current study were 10-18 years old children and adolescence who was bullied by their siblings (N=506) and categorized based on the frequency of bullying experiences twice in a month. Safety perception was measured by using a measuring instrument from Children’s Worlds. The Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale (CW-SWBS) was used to measured SWB. Children’s Worlds Sibling Bullying Scale was used to categorized sibling bullying victims. Linear regression analysis examined the contribution of safety perception towards SWB. Descriptive analysis showed frequency and score means based on gender and age group. The result showed the perception of safety contributed 21.1% significantly positively to SWB on sibling bullying victims during pandemic COVID-19. Victims of sibling bullying reported lower SWB compared to Cummins’s homeostasis theory and compared to sibling bullying research conducted by Borualogo and Casas before COVID-19. This indicates that parents must give serious attention to stop sibling bullying at home during COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19, Sibling Bullying, Safety Feeling, Subjective Well-Being.

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kontribusi persepsi rasa aman terhadap subjective well-being (SWB) korban perundungan saudara kandung dimasa COVID-19. Data dapatkan secara online menggunakan Google Form dengan teknik sampling convenience. Partisipan adalah anak dan remaja usia 10-18 tahun korban perundungan saudara kandung (N=506) yang dikategorisasi berdasarkan frekuensi perundungan yang dialami yaitu lebih dari dua kali dalam sebulan. Persepsi rasa aman diukur dengan alat ukur dari Children’s Worlds. SWB diukur dengan Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being (CW-SWBS). Alat ukur perundungan saudara kandung Children’s Worlds digunakan untuk kategorisasi korban perundungan saudara kandung. Analisis regresi linier digunakan untuk menguji kontribusi persepsi rasa aman terhadap SWB. Analisis deskriptif menyajikan frekuensi dan skor mean berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia. Persepsi rasa aman (β= .445; p< .01) memiliki kontribusi signifikan positif sebesar 21.1% terhadap SWB pada korban perundungan saudara kandung dimasa COVID-19. Korban perundungan saudara kandung melaporkan SWB yang lebih rendah (M=59.93; SD= 27.34) dibandingkan rerata normal SWB berdasarkan teori homeostasis Cummins dan hasil penelitian Borualogo dan Casas terkait perundungan saudara kandung sebelum masa COVID-19. Hasil ini perlu menjadi perhatian serius bagi orangtua untuk menghentikan perundungan saudara kandung di rumah di masa COVID-19.

Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Perundungan Saudara Kandung, Rasa Aman, Subjective Well-Being.


COVID-19, Perundungan Saudara Kandung, Rasa Aman, Subjective Well-Being.

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