Pengaruh Celebrity Worship Terhadap Subjective Well Being Pada Penggemar NCT Di Bandung

Nadiyah Nur Jannati, Siti Qodariah


Abstract. As Neo Culture Technology (NCT) fans in Bandung found the phenomenon of early adult fans, who have more time-consuming behavior for their idols, leading to celebrity worship. However, some fans feel happiness and satisfaction more often after getting to know NCT. Evaluation of happiness and life satisfaction known as subjective well-being (SWB). This research aims to determine the effect of celebrity worship on SWB among NCT fans in Bandung. Celebrity worship is measured by celebrity attitude scale (CAS). SWB is measured by Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) and Scale Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE). The results showed there was a negative effect on each stage of celebrity worship on SWB. SWB results based on data, entertainment social (M= 27.25, SD= 11.82), intense personal (M= 24.23, SD= 11.13), and borderline pathological (M= 21.05, SD= 11.48). Thus, the higher the stage of celebrity worship, the SWB will decrease. The effective contribution of celebrity worship on SWB among NCT fans in Bandung, had the lowest impact 5.5%, and the highest impact 15.6%. That means that celebrity worship on SWB among NCT fans in Bandung.

Keywords: Celebrity worship, Subjective well-being, NCT fans. 

Abstrak. Pada penggemar Neo Culture Technology (NCT) di Bandung ditemukan fenomena penggemar usia dewasa awal yang memiliki perilaku lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk idola mereka, sehingga mengarah kepada perilaku celebrity worship, akan tetapi terdapat penggemar yang lebih sering merasakan kebahagiaan dan kepuasan hidup setelah mengenal NCT. Evaluasi kebahagiaan dan kepuasan hidup yang diperoleh individu dalam hidupnya, erat kaitannya dengan subjective well being (SWB). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh celebrity worship terhadap SWB pada penggemar NCT di Bandung. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur celebrity worship adalah Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS). SWB diukur menggunakan Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) dan Scale Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh negatif pada setiap tahapan perilaku celebrity worship dengan SWB. Hasil SWB pada tahap entertainment social (M= 27.25, SD= 11.82), tahap intense personal (M= 24.23, SD= 11.13), dan tahap borderline pathological (M= 21.05, SD= 11.48). Sehingga, semakin tinggi tahapan perilaku celebrity worship penggemar maka SWB akan menurun. Sumbangan efektif dari pengaruh perilaku celebrity worship terhadap SWB pada penggemar NCT di Bandung, memiliki sumbangan pengaruh terendah sebesar 5.5% dan sumbangan tertinggi sebesar 15.6%. Artinya terdapat pengaruh yang dihasilkan dari perilaku celebrity worship terhadap SWB pada penggemar NCT di Bandung.

Kata Kunci: Celebrity Worship, Subjective Well Being, Penggemar NCT.


Celebrity Worship; Subjective Well Being; Penggemar NCT

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