Pengaruh Kesabaran Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Wanita Usia Dewasa Awal Dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kecamatan Andir

Naira Imanda Adhiraputri, Yusuf Umar Supriatna


Abstract. Andir is one of the sub-districts with the highest percentage of Covid-19 sufferers in Bandung. Based on the Neurotic Disorder Database 2020 from the City Health Department of Bandung, there was an increase in anxiety sufferers and most of them are early adult women. Early adult women in Andir reported symptoms of anxiety such as headaches, indigestion, feelings of displeasure, fatigue, feeling worthless, constantly sad, depression, and fear of being infected with Covid-19. Based on the pre-survey, it was found that women of early adulthood in Andir showed a high level of patience. Based on research, patience is one of the psychological aspects that determines one's success. This study was conducted to determine how much patience contributes to anxiety. This study uses a causal method where the population is women of early adulthood in Andir. The sample of this study is 275 early adult women who were selected using the Convenience Sampling Technique. The data measurement is done with a Patience measuring instrument from Umar Yusuf and an adapted HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale). Based on the result of a simple linear regression analysis test with a significance level of 0,05, it was obtained that rs= 0.245 which indicates that there is a contributes of patience to the anxiety of early adult women in Andir by 24.5% and the contribution is negative, which means that increased patience will reduce anxiety.

Keywords: Patience, Anxiety, Women, Covid-19

Abstrak. Kecamatan Andir merupakan salah satu kecamatan dengan persentase penderita Covid-19 tertinggi di Kota Bandung. Berdasarkan Database Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung tahun 2020 terdapat peningkatan penderita kecemasan dan sebagian besarnya merupakan wanita dari kelompok usia dewasa awal. Wanita usia dewasa awal di Kecamatan Andir melaporkan gejala kecemasan seperti sakit kepala, gangguan pencernaan, perasaan tidak senang, tida dapat tidur dengan nyenyak, mudah merasa takut, mudah merasa lelah, perasaan tidak berharga, terus merasa sedih dan takut tertular Covid-19. Dalam prasurvey, ditemukan bahwa wanita usia dewasa awal di Kecamatan Andir menunjukkan tingkat kesabaran yang tinggi. Kesabaran merupakan salah satu aspek psikologis penentu keberhasilan seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kesabaran terhadap kecemasan menggunakan metode kausal dimana populasinya adalah wanita usia dewasa awal di Kecamatan Andir. Sampel berjumlah 275 responden yang dipilih menggunakan Convenience Sampling. Pengukuran data dilakukan dengan Alat Ukur Kesabaran dari Umar Yusuf dan HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) yang sudah diadaptasi ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ramdan. Menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan taraf signifikansi = 0,05 diperoleh hasil rs = 0,245 dimana terdapat pengaruh kesabaran terhadap kecemasan wanita usia dewasa awal di Kecamatan Andir sebesar 24,5% dan pengaruhnya bersifat negatif yang berarti meningkatnya kesabaran akan menurunkan tingkat kecemasan.

Kata Kunci: Kesabaran, Kecemasan, Wanita, Covid-19


Kesabaran, Kecemasan, Wanita, Covid-19

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