The correlation between being religious of Islam and work motivation in fresh administration workers in Islamic University of Bandung.

Fienna Rahmi Hasanah, Agus Sofyandi Kahfi


Administration workers have important roles in Islamic University of Bandung (UNISBA) whose main tasks are to be obidient on work hours, provide best services to students, lecturers and society, develop their ability.  There are some positive and negative behaviour done by the fresh administartion workers of Unisba such as coming late to office, using handphone and internet in work hours, lazily work because it is monotonous, having good ralation with other workers in the same of different work units, helping each other, speaking to each other in well-mannered. However, they are some do gossip, and some are open-minded to suggestions. The objective of this study is to obtain the level of correlation between commitment of being religious of Islam and work motivation on fresh administration workers of UNISBA. The sample of the population is 37 workers. construct validity is used by used try out on rejected, omitted sample and item. The instrument of being religious of Islam used is based on Glock and Strak theory scale modified by Agus Sofyandi Kahfi, and the instrument of work motivation is based on Victor H Vroom theory. The results show that the correlation score is 0.599. it means that there is an average and a positive correlation between commitment of being religious of Islam and work motivation on fresh administartion workers of Islamic University of bandung.


Commitment to religious of Islam, work motivation, worker.


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