Correlation between parents social support and children well-being on acceleration students of class IV in SDSN banjarsari I Bandung.

Sarah Dian Asri Pratiwi, Siti Qodariah


Acceleration is educational service given to children who have incredible intelligence and competence to graduate earlier than fixed time. Students of acceleration have high demand of study in their classes to maintain achievement. However, they are in group, play and creative age. The demand causes negative impacts on them. The acceleration students in SDSN Banjarsari I Bandung remain happy and seeing positive in their lives becuase they obtain social support from their parents. The objective of the study is the correlation between parents social support and children’s well-being on accelaration students of class IV in SDSN Banjarsari I bandung. The method used is correlation, the social support instrument is constructed and modified from Rahma Hartini’s research (2004) based on the theory of S. Cohen and children’s well-being instrument is ISCWeB questionnaire.  Data analysis used is Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient technique with the help of SPSS 20 software. The results show that there are high correlation between social support and domains of children well-being on home domain with rs=0,784. The low correlation domain is health domain with rs=0,207.


Social support, acceleration, children well-being.


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International Support of Children’s Well-being. Diakses pada tanggal 2 Desember 2015 dari


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