Descriptive study of Children well-being on drifter children in Rumah Sanggar Waringin Bandung.

Nur Almaliah, Fanni Putri Diantina


Rumah Sanggar waringin is a transit house for drifter children in Bandung. Age of 8 upto 12 is the most age in the house. They have different appraisal with their lives. Some of them have negative appraisal and feel ashamed and sad, and some are satisfied with their lives and confident. This difference is related to children well-being. The objective of the study is to obtain empirical data about children well-being as life prosperity of drifter children seen from the 8 domain of children well-being. The method used is descriptive study with 30 drifter children of age 8-12 as the sample. The instrument used is a questionnaire about children well-being to the age 8, 10, 12. The results show that age of 8,10,12 have high personal satisfaction, satisfaction with health and school satisfaction. The low domain of age 8 is satisfaction with material things, the low domains of age 10 are home satisfaction and satisfaction with time organization, the low domains of age 12 are satisfaction with time organization and area living in.


Children Well-being, domain of children well-being, drifter children.


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