Descriptive study of children well-being on children laborers to fishermen in karangsong Village Indramayu.

Hemas Farah Khairunnisa, Fanni Putri Diantina


According to Havighurst in Hurlock (1980) that the task of children development in late childhood level is failed to be accomplished by school-age children in Karangsong Village Indramayu where most of their time is spent to work as fishermen’s laborers. That causes them do not focus in their studies and drop out of the school. There are different estimation and evaluation shown by children laborers in seeing their life aspects. The children’s estimation and evaluation about their own lives are called children well-being. Children well-being are about understanding about perception, evaluation, and children’s desire for their future (UNICEF,2012). The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about children well-being on children laborers to fishermen in Karangsong Village Indramayu. The sample is 33 fishermen children laborers about 8-12 years old in Karangsong Village Indramayu. The results show that there are different meanings of satisfaction in 3 age groups of life domain. In the age of 8, the dominant domains are satisfaction with interpersonal relationship and satisfaction with health. in the age of 10, the dominant domains are satisfaction with area living in and school satisfaction. And in the age of 12, the dominant domains are satisfaction with interpersonal relationhip, satisfaction with the area living in, satisfaction with school, satisfaction with health and personal satisfaction.


Children well-being, children laborers, Late childhood


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