Descriptive study about organization commitment on honorary teachers in SDN X Bandung.

Tamara Jannisa Claudianti, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


SDN X bandung is an inclusive elementary school. However, the teachers there are not uncommon school graduates. There are some problems faced in the learning process. Those problems lead the honorary teachers to retire from SDN X. And yet there are some who endure in spite of the fact that they earn under salary standard (UMR). They stay because they think they have an obligation to stay in SDN X. Meyer and Allen (1997) say that organization commitment is psychological condition that shows relational characteristic between workers and the organization, and has an effect to their decisions to continou their membership as honorary teachers. The objective of this study is to obtain a clear picture of organization commitment profile on honorary teachers in SDN X Bandung. The method used is descriptive study with 30 honorary teachers as the sample. The data collecting technique used it by providing a questionnaire about organization commitment based on the theory of Meyer and Allen. The results show that there 3 organization commitments; first profile has high affective commitment, high continunce commitment, and high normative commitment and it is about 19 (64%) of teachers. Second profile high affective commitment, low continuance commitment, and high normative commitment and it is about 10 (33%) of honorary teachers. The third commitment profile has high affective commitment, low continuance commitment, and low normative commitment and it is about one person (3%) of them.


Organization commitment, honorary teachers.


Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1997). Commitment in the workplace. Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


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